(There are different types of portrait photography. Each type can capture various types of expression and mood of the subjects. Some maybe planned whereas some are spontaneously taken.)
Are you interested in portrait photography? Do you want to take some beautiful portrait photographs? Then your first step towards portrait photography is to know what type of portrait photography you can take. There are various types of portrait photography to choose from. Let’s get to know more about these types.
This portrait photography is not only about a photograph of a man and woman. It is about showing a relationship between two people. The two people maybe a man and woman or a father and child or a mother and child or even two friends. The main idea is to capture the type of relationship they have in between them.
This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of the subject in their normal behavior. It shows the way people normally behave or act. For example: a person looking at the watch to see time, a woman checking her makeup in the mirror etc.
This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of the subject who is aware of the camera.
This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of the subject in their natural environment. Each person has their own environment where they feel comfortable, safe and familiar. The expression and mood of the subject in their environment tends to be different and sharper. So, you can capture such expression and mood; and click a beautiful portrait photograph. For example: farmer sowing seeds, teacher teaching in the class etc.
This is one of the most used portrait photography. In this photography, the photographer asks the subject to give certain expression, look at certain direction etc. The subject does as told by the photographer. For example: asking the subject to give a smile etc.
This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of multiple subjects in a group. It may be difficult to get a good group portrait photographs because it is difficult to handle many people like, when one is looking towards the camera the other might be looking away. Thus this photography takes a lot of patience, coordination and time. For example: photos taken in family gathering, wedding; class photo etc.
This portrait photography is about capturing the photos of the subjects as planned beforehand. Both the photographers and the subjects decide on the expression, clothing, pose and background and then click the photo accordingly. For example: a model posing for magazine, business portrait etc.