Tag Archives: blur

Taking pictures with blur motion

(Have you seen the pictures with blur motion which gives you a sense of motion and speed? Do you want to take such pictures? Then here are the steps that should be taken to click such pictures.)

Do you want to take pictures that give you a sense of motion and speed? Well then you have come to the right place because taking pictures with blur motion is no longer limited to the professional photographers. Yes, even you can take pictures with blur motion. With the right technique and a little bit of practice you can easily take such pictures. Let’s see some of the steps that you will have to follow to capture such pictures.

Taking pictures with blur motionChoose the type of blur you want:

The first step is to choose the type of blur you want. There are two types of blur. The first one is blurred background with subject in focus and the other one is blurred subject with background in focus.

Use of tripod:

The first thing you have to do before taking a picture with blur motion is to set the camera on tripod. Do not hold it on your hand and try to shoot the picture. If you hold the camera on your hand then everything in the picture might get blurred due to the shaking of hands. If you use tripod then the camera will stay still and won’t shake.

Slow the shutter speed:

The first step is to slow the shutter speed of the camera. The shutter of the camera allows the light from the subject to enter the camera. If the shutter speed is low it will give enough time to capture the whole movement of the subject across the frame. This will create a kind of blur. You should determine the shutter speed by calculating, how much time it would take for the subject to move from one side to another.

Adjust ISO:

You should consider the amount of light when you are trying to capture a picture with blur motion. The slow shutter speed will allow high amount of light to enter the camera. So, if it is a day time then there will be high amount of light present in the background. This will cause overexposure and the picture will be damaged. To prevent this from happening, you can adjust the ISO to a low level according to the light present in the background. You can also use light blocking filter and place it in front of the lens or use small apertures. If you have a SLR camera then you can use the shutter priority mode which will automatically adjust the ISO and apertures after you input the required shutter speed.

Use of panning:

In some cases, you might get the perfect blur if you move your camera along with the subject. This is called panning.

Practice makes man perfect:

If you don’t get the right blur motion in your first try, then do not feel down, because it is a hard job. As the saying “Practice make man perfect”, just practice and practice until you get the hang of the techniques.