Tips for landscape photography

(Landscape photography is one of the popular photography sectors. The photos of rivers, mountain, land etc can be a beautiful and memorable photo. There are some ways to take even more beautiful landscape photos.)

Many people tend to love landscape photography. They like to capture the beauty of nature in a photo and save it for years. Landscape photography also tries to capture the beauty of landscape. It maybe lights of sunrise falling on the land, a flowing river etc. Here are some tips on how to achieve beautiful landscape photographs.

Use a tripod:

Whenever a landscape photograph is to be clicked, a tripod should always be used. It makes sure that the camera is stable and won’t shake. If the camera is held on hands, then the camera will be shaken and the photo that comes out might be a blurred one. This will ruin the photo completely

Tips for landscape photography

Use of color contrast:

The landscape photos with color contrast may prove to be beautiful and breath- taking one. If full utilization of color is done then the photo will surely come out as one of the best landscape photos. The contrast color will also bring attention of the viewer to that point. For example: The orange color of sunset can create a huge contract with dark blue/black sky.

Choose a small aperture:

In landscape photography, it is better to maximize the depth of field. To attain this, the size of aperture must be small so that the photos with greater depth are taken. However, small aperture means less light will enter the camera, so the ISO and shutter speed should be fixed accordingly.

 Choose the correct time:

When it comes to landscape photography, time is very important. The photos should be taken at the correct time otherwise the opportunity will be missed. For example: To take a photo of landscape covered with sunrise light, the photographer will have to be ready early in the morning.

Avoid having other objects in the frame:

While taking a photo if the shadow of the photographer appears in it, then the photo will be ruined. So, while setting a frame, it is necessary to avoid shadows, poles, people who are not wanted in the photo etc. Take the photo only when a good frame is captured.

Capture the moment and the movement:

Landscape photography doesn’t always mean still photos of a landscape. It could also be photos of lighting striking in the horizon, leaves of the trees moving with the wind, moving of the cloud etc. A good landscape photographer will always try to capture such moment and movement in a photo. To obtain this, the shutter speed should be low so that the full movement of the subject can be captured.

Common subjects of landscape photography

(People may be confused as what to capture during the landscape photography. There are some common subjects of landscape photography.)

Landscape photography is all about capturing the vast and beautiful landscapes in a photo that will justify its beauty. It normally shows the gift of the god and its astounding feature and beauty along with it. There are many subjects on which you can perform landscape photography. It may vary from waterfalls to lightning in the horizon. The subjects of the photography depend on you and your choice. If you like sands then you may take a landscape photograph of desert whereas if you like water you many take a landscape photograph of rivers. Let’s see some of the common subjects of landscape photography.


Common subjects of landscape photography

Desert is a dangerous and very hot place but, it sure can create a beautiful landscape photograph. The sun, sands and wind combine together to give an attractive feature to the photographs. If you can capture the heat from the sun and the sand, then you can be an astounding landscape photographer. The desert is also the best place to capture the photos of stars. As the desert is vast with no buildings around, you can see the stars clear in the sky and the horizon. This could be an opportunity for you to capture the twinkling stars in the photos.

 Rivers and waterfalls:

Common subjects of landscape photography
There are many photographers who have been able to capture the flowing rivers and waterfalls in their photographs. The rivers and waterfalls maybe fast moving or slow moving. No matter which you choose to capture, if you have the technique and talent then you can create a beautiful image with it. You can capture photos like waterfall flowing down from high hills or rivers hitting the rocks that are on their path. You can also use the reflection in water surfaces to your advantage. So, if you like water then rivers and waterfalls can be your favorite subject regarding landscape photography.


Common subjects of landscape photography

Mountains make scenic and beautiful photos. The greens in the mountain, snow on the mountain top and the rough surfaces on it can look very good in photos. If you have the talent then you can make even the dangerous, rugged and old mountains look heavenly in your photos.

Plains and grassy areas:

Common subjects of landscape photography

It is hard to get attention of the viewer towards the photo of plains and grassy areas. There are very little things on which you can focus on while taking the photos. But, if you are successful on focusing on something unique and eye-catching then that photo will be one of the best photos that you have ever captured. You can also capture a bit of sky on the horizon. While clicking the photo try to focus in unique trees, roads, mountains or streams.

How to take good portrait photographs?

(A good portrait photograph should able to reflect the subject’s mood, expression and story. Just by looking at it, the viewers should able to tell what the story of the subject is.)

How to take good portrait photographsHow to take good portrait photographs

Good portrait photographs should be able to capture the mood, expression and personality of the person or group of person in the photographs. It is just not about capturing the photo of the subject with their face in it. It’s also about the lights, expression, mood, background etc. So, how to take good portrait photographs? Here are some steps that can be followed to take some very good portrait photographs.

Decide to capture natural or posed photographs:

The portrait photographs can be captured in two ways. The photo of the subject maybe captured in their natural environment or the subjects may pose for the photographs. Normally, it is best to capture the photo of the subject in their natural environment. It gives more essence to the photographs. However, posed photographs may also turn out to be a beautiful one, if taken correctly.

Decide on the eye contact:

Eyes are said to be the window to the soul. It can be used to display the expression and mood of the subject. The subjects may look away from the camera towards some direction or things; they may look straight at the camera; or they may look at each other or things inside the frame of the camera. Remember, subject’s eye is one of the most important parts that will decide the quality of the portrait photograph.

Increase the shutter speed:

While taking portrait photographs, it might be a good idea to increase the shutter speed of the camera, so that the shutter moves fast. People are not stable like landscapes they tend to move a bit or crinkle their eyes and so on. So, it is best to capture the expression as soon as possible.

Increase the size of aperture:

It is good if the size of aperture is increased. This will create a kind of blur in the surrounding of the subject and will give more focus to the subject. To increase the size of aperture, decrease the f-number.

Increase the ISO:

As the shutter speed is decreased in portrait photography, the ISO of the camera has to be increased to compensate for the loss of light entering the camera.

Focus on details:

It is best to focus on even small details while taking a portrait photographs. The portrait photography is all about people and their environment, moods and expression. So, it might be a good idea to focus on things that reflects who those people are. For example: the wrinkles on old person’s face, eyes of the blind person, wedding ring on a bride etc.

Types of portrait photography

(There are different types of portrait photography. Each type can capture various types of expression and mood of the subjects. Some maybe planned whereas some are spontaneously taken.)

Are you interested in portrait photography? Do you want to take some beautiful portrait photographs? Then your first step towards portrait photography is to know what type of portrait photography you can take. There are various types of portrait photography to choose from. Let’s get to know more about these types.

Couple:                                                                                                                    Types of portrait photography

This portrait photography is not only about a photograph of a man and woman. It is about showing a relationship between two people. The two people maybe a man and woman or a father and child or a mother and child or even two friends. The main idea is to capture the type of relationship they have in between them.


Types of portrait photography

This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of the subject in their normal behavior. It shows the way people normally behave or act. For example:  a person looking at the watch to see time, a woman checking her makeup in the mirror etc.


Types of portrait photography

This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of the subject who is aware of the camera.

Environmental:                                                                                                                    Types of portrait photography

This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of the subject in their natural environment. Each person has their own environment where they feel comfortable, safe and familiar. The expression and mood of the subject in their environment tends to be different and sharper. So, you can capture such expression and mood; and click a beautiful portrait photograph. For example: farmer sowing seeds, teacher teaching in the class etc.


Types of portrait photography

This is one of the most used portrait photography. In this photography, the photographer asks the subject to give certain expression, look at certain direction etc. The subject does as told by the photographer. For example: asking the subject to give a smile etc.


Types of portrait photography

This portrait photography is about capturing the photo of multiple subjects in a group. It may be difficult to get a good group portrait photographs because it is difficult to handle many people like, when one is looking towards the camera the other might be looking away. Thus this photography takes a lot of patience, coordination and time. For example: photos taken in family gathering, wedding; class photo etc.


Formal:                                                                                                                                                Types of portrait photography

This portrait photography is about capturing the photos of the subjects as planned beforehand. Both the photographers and the subjects decide on the expression, clothing, pose and background and then click the photo accordingly. For example: a model posing for magazine, business portrait etc.

Types of camera lens

(Different camera lens have different focal lengths and can be used for different photography. If correct lens is used for correct photography, then the photos taken will be of high quality.)

Camera lens are the instrument that helps the photographer to get a good focus on the subject and click a clear and distinct photo. There are different types of lenses and each of them has different focal length.  The use of these lenses depends on the types of photo to be clicked and on subjects as well. The different types of camera lens are:

Types of camera lens

Standard lens:

Standard lens is the lens that can be used to click normal pictures. The focal length of this lens lies between 35 mm and 70mm. This lens is used by photographers who have to move quickly to capture photos.

Telephoto lens:                                                                                                                                                                 Types of camera lens

Telephoto lens is the lens that can be used to take a photo of distant objects. The focal length of this camera lies between 135mm and 300mm. It is normally used in wildlife and sports photography. The photographer situates himself far away from the subject and uses this lens to capture the subject’s photo.

Types of camera lens

Wide angle lens:

Wide angle lens is the lens that can be used to capture the photo with wide field of vision. The focal length of this camera lies between 21mm to 35mm. It is normally used in architecture and landscape photography. The photographer situates himself in a spot from where the building or landscape can be clearly seen and uses this lens to capture the picture of the whole building or landscape, rather than just a part of it.

Teleconverter lens:                                                                                                                                Types of camera lens

Teleconverter lens is the secondary lens which can be placed in between camera and its lens. It is also known as lens extenders. It extends the focal length of the primary lens such that the primary lens can use minimum focal length. It also weighs less, so is easy to carry around instead of the heavy lenses that are used by the photographers.  It helps to take a clear and detailed photo of the subject.

Types of camera lens

Fisheye lens:

Fisheye lens is the lens that can be used to magnify the center of the image and diminish the objects in the sides. It is used to give a distorted look to the photos. It is normally used in sports photography.

Macro lens:                                                                                                                                                                             Types of camera lens

Macro lens is the lens that can be used to click close up photos of objects. It is used to focus closer on the object. It is normally used in small objects photography. It can take clear and distinct photos of small objects.

Methods to take a photo in low light

(If photos are clicked in low light then they tend to more darker and unclear. So, you have to follow some methods that will enable you to take good photos even in low light.)

Tips for landscape photographyTips for landscape photography

While taking photos you won’t always have enough light around you. If you try to capture an image in a low light without any preparation, then the photo will be dark and in some cases you won’t even see the subject in it. So, how do you take photos in low light? There are many methods which you can follow to take a beautiful photo in low light. Some photographers are capable of using the low light to their advantage to take breath- taking photos. The methods to take a photo in low light are as follows:

Use of flash:

Flash is one of the greatest inventions in regard to photography. It enables you to take photos even in the dimmest light. But, there is a disadvantage in using the flash. Sometimes, it can ruin the photo as the subject will look white and unnatural. You can prevent this from happening by covering the flash with a white tissue. This way the extra lights from the flash can be covered by the white tissue.

Reduce the shutter speed:

If you prefer to capture an image in their natural light without using flash, then you can do so by reducing the shutter speed. This method can be mainly used in landscape photography. The main idea is to keep the shutter of the camera open until enough light enters the camera. If the shutter speed is reduced then more light can enter. While using this method, be sure to use a tripod so that the camera is not shaken too much.

Increase the ISO:

Another way to capture an image without using flash is by increasing the ISO. ISO is the amount of sensitivity of light that falls on the sensor. If the ISO is increased then it will be more sensitive to the light. This enables you to capture image in low light. However, too much of ISO can lead to limitation of noise in the picture. So, you have to select the ISO very carefully.

Widen the aperture:

If you are not taking a landscape photo then reducing the shutter speed maybe a bad idea. Instead of reducing the shutter speed, you can widen the aperture. The width of the aperture decides how much of light will enter the camera. So, if you widen your aperture more light will enter the camera and the shutter speed will also be low, which will result into good and sharp photos. To widen the aperture you must choose the lowest f-number. The lower the f-number, more the light will enter.